FoxFarm Bush Doctor Force of Nature Fungicide quart (concentrate)
Force of Nature Fungicide helps control Powdery Mildew on many types of plants, including melons, squash, tomatoes, trees, grapes, cucumbers and all sorts of flowers.
Force of Nature Fungicide is applied as a foliar spray and can be a great addition to a well-managed disease program. Force of Nature Fungicide is non-toxic to humans and animals when used as directed. Refer to label for caution statement and complete instructions. Use caution when applying to roses and peppers.
Force of Nature Fungicide is applied as a foliar spray and can be a great addition to a well-managed disease program. Force of Nature Fungicide is non-toxic to humans and animals when used as directed. Refer to label for caution statement and complete instructions. Use caution when applying to roses and peppers.